
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Gift

I came across this musing I'd written a few years back when we had a "snow day" off from school,  and it actually never snowed. I still like the sentiment of accepting some days as gifts and letting go to just enjoy them ...
"I know a lot of folks are discouraged that we missed a day of school and that the weather wasn't as bad as predicted and there will be hassles to deal with later, and a lot of folks spent the whole day at school anyway, but maybe we just need to adjust our perspective and see today as a gift ... to take time for ourselves or spend time with our families, who get far too little of our time as it is.  I've had 10 or so neighbor kids and teenagers in and out of this house today, making forts, watching movies, making hot chocolate, coloring ... work and schedules and obligations will always been there the next day, but unexpected times with our families and children are rare indeed.  Write a note to an old friend, read a book you've been saving for when you had "time", watch an old movie, call someone you've been meaning to catch up with and chat awhile, bake a cake and take some to your neighbor ... I say, give your time and attention to yourselves and your families today, and let the rest go, just for a day!"

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