
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Never Close Your Eyes ...

I've been down sick this past week and decided to finally lay day on the couch and take a much needed nap. The kids were playing together quietly, so I succumbed to the false belief that I could rest peacefully for a few moments. I gave them the usual admonishments about what NOT to do while I was asleep ... don't answer the door if you don't know the person outside, don't mess up your rooms, don't start fighting, don't cook anything, etc, etc.  A few hours later I woke up and was pleasantly surprised that everything in the house seemed quiet and normal.  Until ........ I walked into the kitchen and found that the kids had blown up about 100 balloons that were all over the floor, and Lily was frosting each one with Cool Whip. Why????!!!  How foolish of me to neglect to add "no balloon frosting" to my list of things NOT to do while I was asleep.  Lesson learned ... never. close. your. eyes.

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