
Monday, November 13, 2017

There’s Always Tomorrow

This morning, as I was driving the kids through Burger King to get them a sausage biscuit for breakfast, I succumbed to pressure and agreed to play the Rudolph TV music soundtrack in the car on the way to school. (I know ... it's not even Thanksgiving ..)  Anyway, as we were waiting for our food, we got to the song where Clarice, Rudolph's love interest, was singing a very dramatic rendition of "There's Always Tomorrow."  When Clarice was making her big finish, I decided to chime in on the very last few super high notes in my loudest, highest, opera voice.  Of course, I was looking back at the kids who were now HOWLING with laughter because I wasn't aware that, at that very moment, the Burger King lady had opened the window to hand us our bag, just as I let out my highest, loudest opera note!  Of course, she thought I was totally off my rocker (which I pretty much am at this point)!  After I  grabbed our bag and sped off as fast as I could, we could not stop laughing all the way to school! Now, all evening, Dylan and Lily have asked me for a repeat performance of my special rendition of "There's Always Tomorrow."  That is definitely going to be one for the books!

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