
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Called Out

I got called out by my daughter in the car the other day on the ride home from school. There was tons of traffic and it was taking us forever to get home! This one lady at a light in front of us was looking down at her phone and not paying attention that she was blocking the entire turn lane. I was getting super annoyed and  yelled out (inside our car, of course, where the lady couldn’t hear me), “MOVE IT, DORK!”   From the backseat Lily gasped. “Mom!” she said,  “you yelled that while we are listening to the FISH!”  (Christian radio station). “Oops,” I said, “What I MEANT to say was ‘God bless you, sister’...”  Lily stared at me a moment with a very skeptical look on her face, then we both started cracking up! Guess I’ll have to be a bit nicer driver with my accountability group sitting in the back seat!! 😂😂😂

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