
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Everything Old

(2014) Oh how I love when "everything old is new again."  Lily found up her closet the whole basket of children's books on tapes and the old tape player Brandon and I used when he was little.  Remember using these at school with the giant headphones like pilots wear and the cords with the jacks on them that went into the huge tape player?  It was magical!  Lily was completely in awe of the tapes and the tape player and the little sound that signaled to turn the pages.  We listened to "The Little Red Hen" and "Mouse Tales."  She can read, but she LOVED waiting to here the "beep" or "chime" to turn the pages!  She begged to hear more of them tomorrow night at bedtime.  Yep .. we have Kindles, Ipads, Iphones, you name it ... but the old books-on-tape stories trumped them all.  Love it.

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