
Friday, May 10, 2019


Raise your hand if you were on your way to work at 6:30 AM this morning and stopped the cars on both sides of Five Forks at Sugarloaf during heavy rush-hour traffic to get a little yellow baby gosling safely across the road? Oh ... just me?! 😂 I’m sure some of the drivers were mad at me, but a mom goose and her baby goslings were caught in the middle of the road during heavy traffic and the babies were running all under the cars. Some cars weren’t even stopping, and the mom  was in a panic (and so was I!). Lily and I pulled over into the turn lane, and I hopped out and stopped the cars so that I could try and shoo the babies and their mom safely to the other side. I almost had everyone to safety when I looked back and saw that one of the little baby chicks could not get over the median. It was running all under the trucks and cars that were stopped. The mom bird came rushing back and was squawking and freaking out because the baby couldn’t get over to where they were. A nice man and a lady got out to try and help me. They held the traffic while I chased this little fuzzy yellow baby chick all over Five Forks Trickum Road! I was finally able to bend down and pick up the baby and carry it over to the side. The mom was squawking and honking and flapping her wings because she was scared I was taking her baby. I was scared she was going to bite me! But she didn’t. She calmed right down and all was well when I set the baby back by her
side in the grass away from the road.

We all may have been a little late for work today, but there’s a little goose family tucked safely in the bushes near the woods tonight.  I figure we moms have to stick together and
help each other out, even if one of the moms happens to be a goose. ❤️🦆

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