
Friday, July 12, 2019


(2017) It's funny how certain things you don't expect can give you that twinge of sadness as a mom.  Today I picked up Bran's records from the pediatricians office to take to our regular family doctor. (At 19, he didn't relish going to the pediatricians office anymore in the Pooh Bear rooms! Go figure?! Hahahaa!)  It was a huge envelope of every appointment he'd had since his first visit at one week old.  I know it's crazy, but it made me get all teary-eyed on the way home.  It's hard to believe the years have passed so quickly.  How did he grow up that fast?  Just made me a little sad. I still remember those first visits like it was yesterday. It goes by in a blink of an eye.  Everyone TELLS you that, but when you're in the thick of it,you don't believe it.  But, believe me, it truly does.

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