True and funny stories from the lighter side of raising my sons and daughter. As the Southern mama of this crew, I'm usually somewhere between "Bless your hearts!" and "Y'all act like you got some sense!" If we ever need to find our way home, we just follow the trail of red clay and glitter.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Jesus take the wheel ... and the radIo station controls PLEASE!!!! Robert Skeet Taylor is blasting hideous 70s music from HIS era all the way up to see Bran in Royston!!! What the heck is The Pinball Wizard and can it please go away FOREVER???!!!!
(2014) Had NO IDEA that I was raising a child prodigy. I was getting my nails done yesterday and Lily picked out a color that I actually loved, so I decided I'd use it. In complete seriousness she said, "Well, I AM sort of a genius about nail polish." WOW! Didn't realize I had birthed the Albert Einstein of the nail color world! Good to know!
Friday, August 30, 2019
Rabbit Hole
(2012) I love the imagination of 4 year olds ... I was laying with Lily Claire last night in her bed while she fell asleep and she said, "Mama, let's pretend that you are the mommy bunny and I am the baby bunny and we are down in our little rabbit hole underground." So we did! We had a lot of fun in that little rabbit hole together!
Take a Gun
I am watching a cute movie made in 1968 starring James Garner and Debbie Reynolds. They have a teenage son who wants to bum around Europe all summer and the kid just said, "Dad, I will be fine going by myself because I believe that all around the world love and trust protects us all." The dad replies, "I've been all around the world ... Take a gun." Cracked me up!!! Sounds like a conversation that would happen in my house!!!!!
Tried and true cure for a long day ... make your hair a little blonder, paint your nails a little pinker, purchase a jumbo sized chocolate truffle DQ Blizzard, bathe yourself in puppy kisses, and watch several cheesy episodes of The Love Boat in your old flannel PJs. Yep, feeling better already. ❤️❤️
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
(2011) My 13 year old son and his buddies are suddenly interested in going to watch the 8th grade girls' softball games up at the high school ... hmmmm ... wonder why?! LOL!
Grammie’s Baby
(2011) Lily tripped and hurt her knee, then very adamantly informed me, "Mama, you have to cuddle Grammie's baby when she's hurt!" Three guesses WHO "Grammie's baby" is? Yes, of course, Lily Claire!
(2014) Lily went to Sunbeams this week and loved BOTH! She is super excited that she will be working on a Space and Stars badge and a First Aid Badge, among others. I tried to convince her that there were so really AWESOME lesser known badges, like the Skunk Badge for girls that never took a bath, a Beard Badge for girls who grow a really long beard before camp, a Poison Ivy badge, and a Longest Toenails badge ... but for some reason she wouldn't believe me!!! (Though she was laughing out loud from the back seat of the car!)
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Santa Claus
(2010) Lily Claire was playing with my cell phone (which was turned off) and I asked her who she was "talking" to. She happily answered "Santa Claus". A few moments later she slammed the phone down and said, "I hang up because Santa Claus was being mean to me!" That's a two year old for you!!!
So I've decided I'm much more of a Hallmark Channel girl than Lifetime. Lifetime movies always make me feel creepy and are either scary or depressing, though it's supposed to be a channel that most women love! I'll stick with the somewhat cheesy, sentimental, feel good Hallmark movies any day! Guess I'll go watch "Operation Cupcake" now rather than "My Teenage Babysitter's Secret Life As An Alcoholic Axe Murderer Who Seduced My Husband's Brother Who Has a Chronic Illness."
Monday, August 26, 2019
Dylan, Dylan, Dylan... I don't know where he comes up with half the things he does or says ... you just NEVER know what is next. Today at school, his teachers told me that in all seriousness, he has asked all of them to call him by 'the nickname that his entire family calls him' ... "Skippy." SKIPPY?? I, nor ANYONE in our entire family, has EVER called Dylan "Skippy"!!!!!! What on earth?!! He could have at least chosen something a tad less nerdy!! :)
Dylan, Dylan, Dylan... I don't know where he comes up with half the things he does or says ... you just NEVER know what is next. Today at school, his teachers told me that in all seriousness, he has asked all of them to call him by 'the nickname that his entire family calls him' ... "Skippy." SKIPPY?? I, nor ANYONE in our entire family, has EVER called Dylan "Skippy"!!!!!! What on earth?!! He could have at least chosen something a tad less nerdy!! :)
Sunday, August 25, 2019
(2014) I think I'm being bamboozled ... Lily crawled in my bed tonight and said, "See how much I love you, Mama, that I want to sleep in here with you, rather than all alone in my own room?" Of course, after looking at her little face, it worked.
Hilarious teacher moment today ... My skirt today had a slit on the side and one of my 4th grade girls saw the unsightly veins on the side of my calf and said, "COOL TATTOO, MRS. TAYLOR!" Nice. I am now WAY cooler than I thought I was! Hahaaaaaaa!!!!
Ummm.... Dylan just informed me that we need a new "loaf" of toilet paper in his bathroom. Boys crack me up!
After a long week, I decided I looked like I’d been run over by a truck, so I decided I'd indulge in a little self repair, including coloring my hair (NOT that I have any gray to cover or anything), taking a hot shower, and trying out this new charcoal face mask product that's supposed to make your skin really clean and soft. I'm doing my thing upstairs and had been settled into our bedroom recliner chair for about 20 minutes, looking quite lovely I might add, in my old robe, glasses, hair coloring goop, and a super thick layer of black charcoal mask drying on my face that's supposed to gently peel off when ready. Now those of you who know my husband, Skeet, know he is a man of few words. For 28 years he has quietly and patiently put up with all my ideas and antics and shenanigans with school and with the kids, etc, with nothing more than maybe a quiet look of bewilderment or silent resignation. Tonight, however, he walked into our room and took one look at me and stopped dead in his tracks. "WHAT is THAT?!!" he asked SUPER loud, looking at my charcoal face. Well, of course, this got me tickled, and when I starting laughing, the whole dried mask cracked and fell off, which I think threw Skeet into further shock!!! So much for trying to have a beauty spa night in peace around HERE!!! 😂😂😂
Cheese Fries
Being the non-sport person that I am, I may not have ever really WATCHED any of the kids’ football or baseball games in the past 15 years, but I’ve been a world champ at eating concession-stand cheese fries. Pretty proud of that long standing commitment to my children.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
I know that Gutenburg's printing press gets the credit most of the time for the best invention of all time, but I think the guy who invented air conditioning deserves to be sainted or knighted or something! Let's face it, you can't even enjoying reading a book fresh off the printing press when you're roasting hot!!
Should I be concerned that the toilet downstairs was making a loud "glug, glug, glug" noise and when I went to check it out, foaming bath bubbles were coming out of the bowl???? How and why???!!!
Mountain Men
Watching "Mountain Man" on the History Channel with Skeet ... Completely fascinating,but I think the show should be called "Forever A Single Lonley Mountain Man" since one of them is getting frozen skunks out of traps in his henhouse, another took an all day ride to a junkyard to find screws for his makeshift wood shack house, and another is picking up dead squirrels that "aren't too old" off the road to take home for dinner. He said eating road kill is a good way not to be wasteful. The Mountain Men are definitely NOT chick magnets!!!
(2017) Tonight I was miffed when Dylan came home at supper time with a big bag of hamburgers after I'd made a roast. Halfway through dinner I look over and see that Dylan has put huge hunks of roast on each hamburger and is eating them!!! "See Mom! The roast didn't go to waste!" he proudly informed me. Only a 14 year old boy!!!!! 🙄😂😂
Soda Pop
Sorry friends who are not from the South, but I hate the words "pop" and "soda" ... Down here we say, "Y'all want a Coke?" And then you ask, "What kind? (Coke, Sprite, Orange, etc) #nixthesodapop
Friday, August 23, 2019
Which Taylor male subscribed on MY Apple account to the “Manly Pro Body Muscle” app??? Really?! I don’t think an app is the answer here guys. 😂😂😂
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Every single news story I ever hear or read makes me upset. I am now officially ONLY EVER going to watch Doris Day and Hallmark movies forever for the rest of my life starting today. If you ever want to discuss current events with me, make sure it is something about Pillow Talk. That is all.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Happiness and Rainbows
A little girl in my class gave me a hug today in the hallway and said, "Oh Mrs. Taylor! You smell just like happiness and rainbows." So sweet!
Sunday, August 18, 2019
(2013) Bran was pressing me to say which of the kids was my favorite Of course, he wanted me to say it was HIM ... instead I said they were ALL my favorite. Then he asked who was my least favorite! I said, "None of you is my least favorite. I like all of you. I have three favorites" Then, in one last attempt to get me to say that HE was my favorite child, he asked, "If you had to be stranded on a deserted island with one of us, who would you pick?" Without skipping a beat, I replied, "Daddy." And that, my friends, is the TRUTH ... far, far away from all my "favorites" for a day or two!! Robert Skeet Taylor
Instant Message
Lily and I were heading to the grocery store today and got behind a driver who was going 2 miles an hour and not turning at the signal, etc. Lily and I were getting annoyed and yelling real meanly at the driver inside our car to “hurry up” and “pay attention.” At that moment we passed at church that had a HUGE sign on its lawn that said,”Love God. Love people.” From the backseat Lily said, “Oops. I guess God was sending us an instant message. “ 😂😂❤️ We were much nicer to fellow drivers the rest of the trip!!
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Friday, August 16, 2019
Grammie and Papaw
I was sitting in with Lily and Dylan tonight as they were going to sleep and I mentioned that Grammie and Papaw would be coming over for dinner on Thursday. Lily said, "Good cause I like Grammie and Papaw." Then she asked Dylan if he liked Grammie and Papaw. Dylan replied, "OF COURSE, everybody in our WHOLE family likes Grammie and Papaw ... and I think everybody in the world likes them, too." I had to agree!
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Love Germs
Buddy was very excited when we got home tonight and was licking Lily all over her face. Skeet said, "Lily, don't let Buddy lick your face. He has bacteria!" to which LIly replied, "Oh Dad! Those are just LOVE germs!"
Snow Cone
I have come to the realization that without air conditioning, I would be a mean, lonely hermit with NO friends or maybe even be in JAIL. I get SO grouchy and irritable when I'm SUPER hot! Case in point, after Lily's cheer photos last week on a SCORCHING HOT turf football field in the dead middle of the hottest afternoon in August (and I was stupidly wearing sweat pants), Lily asked if she could have a snow cone when we were done. OF COURSE, the snow cone truck was parked RIGHT in the sun and I was already super grouchy from sweating to death in the 100 degree afternoon sun in sweatpants! Sweat was actually dripping down my nose, which made me SUPER grumpy and irritated! At any rate, I begrudgingly got in the line (no shade, mind you) for a small, Coke flavored snow cone, and the lady in front me proceeds to order SIX LARGE SNOW CONES!!! Are you kidding me?!! THEN, she asked the guy to name ALL the sugar free flavors first before choosing. She then sends her daughter to inquire about what flavors all the siblings want, which fluctuated about ten times from Pina Colado to Blue Raspberry! After an eternity in the boiling sun waiting for her snow cone buffet to be ready, she looks at the snow cones the man is setting on the counter for her and says she needs MORE flavor on ALL of them!!!! THEN, she takes sample bites of each one and starts to walk away, but NOT before coming back to the window to ask for extra napkins. I literally almost committed a snow cone FELONY at the window before that lady was finished! THANKFULLY we got into our air conditioned car to leave and narrowly escaped my hot, angry descent into a life of crime.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Tales from Middle School ...
Lily came home today and said,”Mom, I have good news and bad news. The good news is our bus driver said he would play music on the bus!”
Me: “Cool! What’s the bad news?”
Lily: “It was Kidz Bop.”😑
Apparently they were all back in their earbuds pretty quickly. 😂😂😂
(2017) Lord give me strength some days to survive living with a 14 year old again ... I'm getting too old for this!!! Parenting isn't for the weak. (Of course, after a bunch of drama and arguing and yelling about cleaning his room, he slinks into my bedroom to apologize, hug me, and snuggle up with Lily to watch TV ... and melts my heart again.)
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Hot Dogs
(2011) While having our gourmet dinner of hot dogs and macaroni and cheese tonight, Lily informed us all that they weren't "hot dogs", they were "warm dogs." :)
Hilarious exchange between Grammie and Brandon tonight ... I call it Brandon is from Mars, Grammie is from Venus ....
Brandon: I put a Browning sticker on the back of my new truck.
Grammie: A brownie sticker?
Brandon: No, BROWNING.
Grammie: What is Browning?
Brandon: It's like a hunting and gun brand at Bass Pro Shop.
Grammie: (Frowning with disapproval)
Brandon: I also put one of these stickers on it (pointing to his shirt)
Grammie: What is that? A bomb?!
Brandon: Um, no ... it's the Oakley logo.
Grammie: Oakley?! I've never heard of that! What do they make?!!! Bullets? Knives?!!
Brandon: Sunglasses.
Brandon: I put a Browning sticker on the back of my new truck.
Grammie: A brownie sticker?
Brandon: No, BROWNING.
Grammie: What is Browning?
Brandon: It's like a hunting and gun brand at Bass Pro Shop.
Grammie: (Frowning with disapproval)
Brandon: I also put one of these stickers on it (pointing to his shirt)
Grammie: What is that? A bomb?!
Brandon: Um, no ... it's the Oakley logo.
Grammie: Oakley?! I've never heard of that! What do they make?!!! Bullets? Knives?!!
Brandon: Sunglasses.
(2012) I overheard Brandon and Dylan talking in their room after I had put them to bed last night ... Dylan leaned over the bunk bed and enthusiastically said, "Brandon, Heaven is going to be AWESOME! There are going to be talking dogs and you get to play video games with Jesus!" He then paused and thought a moment before saying, "I sure hope He knows how to play."
Friday, August 9, 2019
We took Bran to a Japanese restaurant last weekend and it reminded me of a hilarious story. When Dyl was about four, he was terrified of the big fire at the hibachi grill at our local Japanese restaurant. While the cook was preparing the grill, Dylan was happily playing with this super cheap, large plastic tiger we’d gotten at the Dollar Store. When the big fire ensued, Dyl was cringing and obviously really frightened so the cook guy was trying to reassure him and make him feel better. To be funny, he took Dylan’s tiger and waved it through the flames saying that the fire was not scary and wouldn’t hurt him. We were all laughing and smiling during this display UNTIL he handed the big plastic tiger back to Dyl and the whole face had melted off in the flames!!! You should have seen the look on Dylan’s face!! 😂😂😂 I still laugh out LOUD remembering how shocked we all were, including the chef guy, at the melted tiger blob he pulled from the flames! We bring it up EVERY TIME we eat Japanese food, and crack up every time!!!
Thursday, August 8, 2019
(2011) We were reading a "Dear God" book tonight before we went to bed about having a bad temper. After the book, Dylan pondered very seriously, "Mom, God even loves robbers, though He's kind of depressed about them." VERY true, but cracked me up!
Monday, August 5, 2019
I was at the dollar store this evening picking up a few items for my class. A man in the store was literally yelling at the top of his lungs to his wife across the store,”THEY GOT LOBSTER EGGROLLS! THEY GOT LOBSTER EGGROLLS! THEY GOT LOBSTER EGGROLLS! “ As if that wasn’t weird enough, I couldn’t even stomach the thought of what the dollar store was passing off as “lobster” in those frozen one dollar packs of egg rolls! Sounds like a food poisoning fiasco waiting to happen… 🤢 Pretty sure eating the glue sticks I was purchasing would’ve been a safer bet than ingesting those hideous eggrolls! 😂😂😂 #lobsterimposter 🦞
Friday, August 2, 2019
Summer Reading
(2015) Why am I always 100% stressed about the boys finishing their summer reading and they are 0% stressed?!!! I am getting the feeling that Dylan isn't being too meticulous with reading his chapters of "Who Was Neil Armstrong?" since he just informed me that Neil had two brothers named Wilbur and Orville. Sheesh.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
(2015) Oh dear. I may need to cut down on the country music songs in the car since Lily just informed us that at Longhorn tonight she was going to order "whisky." We couldn't stop laughing, and she had no idea what it was!!!
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Lily informed me that she will NEVER kiss anyone NOT in our family because if you go on a date, it's a complete stranger and he could ha...
Having a mom for a teacher often means drinking "Dr Thunder" instead of "Dr Pepper", eating "Whales" instead ...