
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Work Force

(2015) There is seriously something wrong with today's work force. At his request, I bought Bran a "virtual" gift card to Burger King from their own webpage so he could drive through and get some breakfast on his way to school. This was in February. He hasn't been able to use it yet because every time he goes there, the workers say they don't know how to use it. On the paper itself it says exactly what the worker needs to do to enter it into the cash register!  At any rate, I stopped by to finally work it all out yesterday and the teenage worker told me,  "You can't use that here because nothing from the Burger King website or apps works in our store.  You can only use it online."  Huh?  I shouldn't have, but I replied, "That's really odd. So you're saying I need to order a Whopper and fries online with this gift card and have it shipped to me?"
Guess what the worker answered?....  "Yes."
Good grief. I just gave up at that point!! Guess I'll be making a call to their corporate offices ... Or I'll just order up a bunch of burgers tonight online for UPS to deliver in 3-5 business days.

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