
Saturday, June 27, 2020


(2014) A little theology with Lily on the ride home today ... her questions ...
Does God ever spill anything?
If God gets thirsty and has to go get a drink, is He still watching you?
Are there roller skates in heaven?
Does Jesus eat steak?

Hmmmm ... good questions!  I think my answers were no, yes, yes, and yes.  I mean, is it really heaven without steak and roller skaters??  I think not!

1 comment:

  1. Just came across your blog (long way around:) and see that you are from GA. Me too! Gnats, heat and all! Will have to read through more of your blog as we southern gals are all soul mates in one way or another. Not sure yet who Lily is but she reminds me of things my 14-year old granddaughter used to say when she was younger...she's a talker for sure! Guess she still is saying these things though cause the other day she told me she had been praying about something and then she said, "But I guess God wasn't in the mood to help me right then." Hmmm...sometimes I sorta feel the same way:) Come by my blog sometimes and let's "chat."
