(2014) The faulty brain waves of sixteen year old boys, as evidenced by my conversation with Bran in the truck tonight ...
Me: We're going to have a Fourth of July party at our house.
Bran: When?
True and funny stories from the lighter side of raising my sons and daughter. As the Southern mama of this crew, I'm usually somewhere between "Bless your hearts!" and "Y'all act like you got some sense!" If we ever need to find our way home, we just follow the trail of red clay and glitter.
(2014) The faulty brain waves of sixteen year old boys, as evidenced by my conversation with Bran in the truck tonight ...
Me: We're going to have a Fourth of July party at our house.
Bran: When?
(2014) We ordered shrimp fried rice for supper tonight and I told Lily that she had to eat the rice, not just the shrimp (as she usually does). When I came to get her plate later, the shrimp was gone, and here's what she had done with the rice! She is soooo my child!!!
(2016) Brandon made me laugh out loud today at Walmart! He was begging me to buy him some $6 bag of Beef Jerky and I happened to spot a $1 bag of "Great Value" brand Beef Jerky instead. (FYI, I almost ALWAYS buy store brands.) "Mom!" he groaned with disdain, "That is probably made from giraffe meat." .... We bought the $6 bag to be safe. Hahahahahaha!!!!!
(2013) Lily asked me tonight if we could watch the Beginner's Bible video about "Abba and Denise." Yes, that would be Adam and Eve. :)
(2014) A little theology with Lily on the ride home today ... her questions ...
Does God ever spill anything?
If God gets thirsty and has to go get a drink, is He still watching you?
Are there roller skates in heaven?
Does Jesus eat steak?
Hmmmm ... good questions! I think my answers were no, yes, yes, and yes. I mean, is it really heaven without steak and roller skaters?? I think not!
(2014) Bran has a movie date tonight with a very sweet girl from school. A glimpse into a mother/teenage son conversation in the car today ...
Me: What time is the movie?
Bran: Seven. Can we pick her up in my truck?
Me: Sure. Do you have money?
Bran: A little but did you know it's SIXTEEN DOLLARS for popcorn and stuff??!!!!
Me: I'll buy the tickets so you can buy her some popcorn ...
Me again: and be sure and take a shower before you go ...
Me again: AND put on deodorant ....
Me again: and fix your hair so it won't look weird from your baseball hat ...
Bran: (giving me bad looks more frequently now)
Me again: and don't wear a tank top ,,,
Bran: (wishing he could jump out of the moving vehicle he's stuck in with me) ...
Me again: and ..
Bran: (with great disdain and eye rolling) MOM!! Ok!!!!! I'm good!!!! Duh!! I'm not going to wear a TANK TOP!!!!!!!
Me: I just had to check to make sure that wasn't in your realm of possibility.
Bran: Defeated sigh.
The moral of this tale: All women of the free world should forever be grateful to the mothers of malekind that they have money to pay for popcorn, they do not stink or have smashed up hat hair, and they do NOT show up in raggedy Bob Marley tank tops on said dates. You are welcome.
(2013) Remember that I mentioned that it is 102 degrees here in Myrtle Beach? I just discovered that Lily left a half eaten Hershey bar in the back seat of my car two days ago ....
Robert Skeet Taylor and I got frozen yogurt at a place that had over 40 toppings ... and Skeet got NONE! Just plain chocolate yogurt. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!!! I had mini M&Ms, kit kat pieces, rainbow sprinkles, mini Reese's, Oreo bits, Heath bar crumbles, AND a blue gummi bear on MY yogurt!!! Skeet calls himself a "purist" ... I call him WEIRD!!