
Monday, October 11, 2021


Every time we’ve had a house showing I’ve had to take Buddy in the car and ride around or try to take him to the dog park. He hates being in the car so he always shakes and cries and slobbers everywhere and gets panicked! And he howls super loud at every person he sees through the window. 

So the other day I had to drive him around for THREE hours (it was raining and we couldn’t go to the dog park) which was a nightmare and by the end he was going nuts. I stopped by Sonic to get myself a drink and get him a cup of water.  I thought I had him peacefully settled  in the passenger seat with the drinks safely in the cup holder. 

Then I made the HUGE, HUGE  mistake of stopping at a mailbox in a shopping area.I quickly got out and put the letter in the mailbox and then turned back to get back into the driver seat. While I was doing that,  Buddy had proceeded to STOMP all through the drinks in the cup holder to get into my seat so he could see me better out the window!!! He had his paws IN the cups of cherry limeade and water and they had spilled everywhere and was all over his feet. One of his paws was completely stained pink from the cherry limeade! It was a complete nightmare! I had to use his towel to try and wipe up the huge mess and dry off his soaking wet paws. It is always an adventure with Buddy around… and not always a good one! It will be a miracle if we survive selling all these houses and moving! 😂😂😂


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