
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Mother Of The Year

 (2015) Just when I think I am doing SO well keeping up with all three of my children and their lives, this happens ...

I call the orthodontist today to make Bran's next four or five appointments.  He takes himself each time and we just pay the bill every month.  I am chatting with the ortho lady and after we make the appointments I ask, "So when will Brandon be getting his bottom braces put on?"  

"I'm not sure," she replies, "Hold a moment and I will check for you."

She gets back on the phone after a moment and says, "M'am ... it says here that he actually got them put on already ......... last July."


Wow.  Mother of the Year right here, folks.  Really on top of things!  Apparently I don't see my 16 year old's bottom teeth as often as I thought. I seriously have NO recall of that ever happening!!!  Good grief. :)

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