
Friday, July 7, 2017

High Heels

Lily Claire is a definitely her mother's daughter (as if we didn't already know that!).  She was clomping around the house in these pink, plastic Cinderella high heel shoes and said,"Mom, these shoes really hurt!"  "Take them off," I said.  She looked shocked and said, "No!  They are cute high heels!"  Guess we all must suffer for beauty! :)

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Citizen's Arrest

We bought a special promo cup for Brandon at RaceTrac that you can refill through August 1st for free every time you are there.  Today he drove past there and went in to fill his cup and leave.  Some older man (another customer) chased him out of the store screaming, "Hey!  Hey!  You didn't pay for that drink!!!  Come back and pay!!!"  Bran turned around and said, "It's a promo cup you can refill for free."  The guy said, "Oh." and went back in the store.  Guess it was a Mango Slushie Citizen's Arrest of some sort!  Sheesh! :)

Rushing Toward Success

Got tickled today at Walmart observing a teenage worker who was moving so slowly that I was concerned if she even had a pulse!  When we encountered her again in the store, I noticed her t-shirt said "Rushing Toward Success." It's going to be a long, long journey at that pace!!! Hahahaaaa!!!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Art School

I was dusting the boys' room today and couldn't help but notice their clay projects from elementary school art class. Then it struck me .... WHY am I spending so much time worrying about good grades and hoping for sports scholarships when OBVIOUSLY a full ride awaits them in ART SCHOOL?! Donatello and Michelangelo really can't hold a candle to these quality sculptures. 😂😂

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Bible Stories

Oh dear.  I am afraid Lily Claire is not quite grasping clearly the Bible stories I'm trying to teach her this summer!  She thinks Adam and Eve are "Abba and Denise" and now she just asked if she and her friend could watch "Jesus Gets Eaten By A Whale."  Nice. (2013)

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Gander Mountain

Skeet made Lily and me go into Gander Mountain tonight while he bought bullets after going to the shooting range with Bran today. As you can image, we were thrilled.  Luckily, we spotted some fabulous merchandise while we were waiting!! Love me some yarn-y camo tree fluff suits!!!  Dreams do come true!

I Spy

A glimpse of what it is like to play "I Spy" with Lily Claire ...
LC:  I spy with my little eyes something rainbow!
Me:  Rainbow?  Ok ... (I guess about 20 things that could possibly be "rainbow" and none of them are it)  Lily, give me a hint!
LC:  Mom, it's rainbow WITH red, white, and blue and stars!
Me:  Is it that flag flying outside?
LC: YES!!!
Silly me!  I didn't know to look for the "rainbow, red, white, and blue with stars" item first thing!!!

Checking Account

The man at the bank that helped me over the phone had to pick out the design on my new checks when I had to shut down my old checking account suddenly a few weeks ago.  I told him that my current check design was flowers.  He said he had something perfect along those lines that I would like.  Today I opened the package of 200 new checks that arrived in the mail ... that are all WINNIE THE POOH!?!  Oh well.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Brain Waves

The faulty brain waves of sixteen year old boys, as evidenced by my conversation with Bran in the truck tonight ...
Me:  We're going to have a Fourth of July party at our house.
Bran:  When?

Shrimp Fried Rice

We ordered shrimp fried rice for supper tonight and I told Lily that she had to eat the rice, not just the shrimp (as she usually does).  When I came to get her plate later, the shrimp was gone, and here's what she had done with the rice!  She is soooo my child!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Great Value

Brandon Taylor made me laugh out loud today at Walmart!  He was begging me to buy him some $6 bag of Beef Jerky and I happened to spot a $1 bag of "Great Value" brand Beef Jerky instead. (FYI, I almost ALWAYS buy store brands.)  "Mom!" he groaned with disdain, "That is probably made from giraffe meat."  .... We bought the $6 bag to be safe.  Hahahahahaha!!!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I did my good deed for the day!  It was pouring rain when we turned into our neighborhood this afternoon. A little turtle was in the middle of the road, right in the path of the big garbage truck stopped one driveway away. I stopped the car, dashed out, and carried him over to the pine straw and out of the way of being crushed by the truck. It feels good to be a superhero ... even to a turtle! 😂🐢

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Abba and Denise

Lily asked me tonight if we could watch the Beginner's Bible video about "Abba and Denise."  Yes, that would be Adam and Eve.  :)

Steak and Roller Skates

A little theology with Lily on the ride home today ... her questions ...
Does God ever spill anything?
If God gets thirsty and has to go get a drink, is He still watching you?
Are there roller skates in heaven?
Does Jesus eat steak?

Hmmmm ... good questions!  I think my answers were no, yes, yes, and yes.  I mean, is it really heaven without steak and roller skates??  I think not!

Monday, June 26, 2017


Lily had us so confused today, and it was hilarious! She kept mumbling things and when someone couldn't hear her, she'd say, "Oh no. You're blonde." What?! Finally I asked her what that meant and she said, "Being blonde means you can't see!" Hmmm .. that's "blind" and you meant "deaf," Lil. Comedy of errors!