
Thursday, January 11, 2018


(2011) The other night, Skeet was telling Lily goodnight and he said, "Goodnight Rapunzel" (we had just seen the Tangled movie and of course Lily loves princesses).  Lily said, "I'm not Rapunzel, I'm Belle"  So Skeet replies, "Ok, goodnight Belle."  After a short pause, Lily replies to Daddy in all seriousness, "Goodnight, Beast."

Sunday, January 7, 2018


(2014) I bought shrimp at the grocery store to make for dinner one night this week.  When we got the bags in the car beside Lily, she sniffed and said, "Yuck!  It smells like flamingos in here!"  Pretty accurate, actually!


Brandon goes back to Emmanuel tomorrow. 😢😢
Our conversation last night ...
Me: I’m sad you’re leaving tomorrow.
Bran: Yeah, me too.
Me: I could home school you.
Bran:  ummm ... no, that’s ok.
Well, I tried. 😂😂😂😂😂

Saturday, January 6, 2018


Every male in my house wears the same size and everything they own is black Nike. You need to be a member of Mensa to  figure out the laundry around here!!! #whoseisthis????

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Made a HUGE step towards personal freedom this year ... I threw away ALL the mismatched socks in the laundry basket that have been there the entire year!  You will curse me NO longer, darn socks!  Feeling a sense of peace and triumph already .... hahahaaaa!!!  :)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


(202) Today's episode of LIFE WITH BOYS:  As I am cleaning up the boys' messy bathroom this evening for the hundredth time, I find a TOOTH just lying on the counter.  In the midst of being creeped out by that, Dylan barges in and says, "MOM!  Look at my spit beard!!!"  BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Holiness Table

(2016) Lily asked if she could go with me tomorrow to church to decorate the "stage of righteousness" for Sunday. Ummm ... it's called the "Holiness Table," Lil.

Friday, December 29, 2017


(2010) I was telling Dylan tonight about Skeet and my anniversary today... he was extremely annoyed when he asked me WHY he wasn't invited to the wedding!?


(2013) Lily Claire just stepped on the bathroom scale and asked, "Mama, how much do I cost?"


"What a nice surprise," I thought when my cell phone rang and the caller ID showed it was Brandon Taylor, who is in Orlando at a baseball tournament.
"Hey Bran!! So glad you called! 😄" I gushed.
"Hello?  Hello?  Mom?  Is this Mom?  Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to call you."


So I am cracking up while watching a whole bunch of DVR'd holiday romance movies I didn't get to before Christmas (though I don't know HOW that is possible since I watched Hallmark 24/7 this month!).  Anyway, there is always a moment in the movie where the guy and girl (who don't like each other at first) end up liking each other and then, by chance, the girl happens to fall or slip or something during a walk and the guy falls down on top of her for this long awkward moment.  I feel like I'm missing out because in 25 years, this has NEVER happened to me and Skeet! HOW can that be??! I thought about orchestrating a "faux slip" magical moment when we go out on our next date, but I'm pretty sure at this point we'd break a hip or not be able to get back up!!!!  Hahahahaaa!  :)

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Is there some unwritten rule that every time I step into a grocery store they have to be playing a Dan Fogleberg song?!  I HATE Dan Fogleberg songs and I'm always trapped listening to them at Kroger!!!! AAHHHHH!!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Baby Pinkie

(2013) Lily and I were driving by a church in our neighborhood that had a live nativity outside. I pointed it out to Lily and said, "Look at the animals!" Lily asked, "Are there lions?" I replied, "No, they are acting out when baby Jesus was born." Lily answered,"Oooo, I just LOVE baby Jesus, ... but I think I'm going to call him Pinkie." For some reason, 'Joy to the World, Baby Pinkie has come' doesn't sound quite as Christmasy to me!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Scratch and Sniff

(2013) Tonight I was reading several stories to Dylan and Lily, one of which was a book about the nativity.  Dylan was super disappointed that it wasn't a "scratch and sniff" book ... WHY we would want to scratch and sniff a donkey, I just don't know!!!!


I told Robert Skeet Taylor that I want some pretty handrails for the front steps as my Christmas gift this year, so it's easier for my parents and his parents and other family to get up and down the stairs into our house.  He told me he had a "better idea" ... a knotted rope slung up the stairs that everyone could use to just pull themselves up and down the stairs.   He of course was joking, but I told him I just want HANDRAILS, not a "Tough Grand-Mudder" event to get into the house!