
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Rolly Poleys

(2013) Today's life lesson for a nine year old boy (aka, Dylan) .... Don't leave your tennis shoes outside overnight in the spring unless you want to freak out when you find them on the way to school in the morning and they are covered with a zillion rolly poleys!!!!  Cracked me up!!


We had a "Men Are From Mars" moment tonight as Skeet and I were getting ready for a formal "gala" event we were attending.  I have a very pretty  black clutch purse with little rhinestones on it that I was going to use this evening to carry my phone and some lipstick,etc.  Well I realized once we were here that I had left it at home.  Trying to help me solve the problem, Skeet suggested, "We could stop at Walgreens on the way and get one."  Hmmmm ... I don't recall a section in Walgreens that carries satin rhinestone evening bags, but thanks for trying, honey!!!  Cracked me up!  I'm pretty sure Walgreens DOES carry everything ever needed in "man" world so it seemed like a logical idea for him, I'm sure!


(2014) Lily and I were riding home from the baseball game and Zac Brown's new song "Homegrown" came on the radio (which is great song, by the way!).  One of the lines in the song said, "Got a good looking woman with her arms 'round me."  Lily asked me why the song just said, "Got a good looking mama that tastes like meat."  I cracked up!


What a sad state of affairs! I JUST found the power cord for an elliptical we bought a YEAR ago (yes, already a sad story), but tonight I was FINALLY going to get on it and do at least 20 minutes. I envisioned myself leisurely strolling along on it for 20 minutes every evening after school watching some romantic BBC movie on the fancy tablet holder.  Ummmm ... I have now done FIVE minutes and my muscles are throbbing, and I’m lying dead across the floor sweating under the ceiling fan!!! I had to stop and rest after TWO! Not only that, but I was panting too hard to even HEAR the Jane Austen show on the darn tablet! Wow. Guess my NEW REVISED goal for tomorrow is SIX minutes on the elliptical and maybe a couple of brief GLANCES at Mr. Darcy before collapsing! #48creptuponme #persevere

Monday, April 23, 2018


(2011) Life with Dylan:  This morning we were talking about Easter and I said, "Jesus died for us then rose from the grave three days later!"  Dylan:  "Cool!  So Jesus is a skeleton now?"  Sigh.  "No Dyl, Jesus is not a skeleton!"

Friday, April 20, 2018


(2013) Just dropped Lily Claire off at Grammie's house for a "playdate."  They are playing dollhouse together and doing puzzles!  On the way there, Lilly told me that Grammie makes the best sandwiches in the world!  I asked her what kind of sandwiches they were and Lily said, "The heart shaped kind."

Thursday, April 19, 2018


(2011) Whenever Lily Claire has been outside playing and she looks a mess, I tell her she looks like a little "rag-a-muffin."  Today she had a checkup at the doctor and I told her we needed to brush her hair, to which she replied, "Why?  Am I a "mag -a -ruffin?"  :)


(2011) TERRIFIED ... I've been leaving the deck door open on nice evenings so Lily can play in the backyard and this evening I saw a MOUSE in our house.  I am FREAKED OUT!  I just went and bought a million traps from Ace Hardware! I think I might never come in my house again!!!!!


(2016) Helping Bran with a paper for his British Lit class tonight that is about how the Victorian ideals of the time were portrayed in Dickens' Oliver Twist and how he used the novel to attack the Poor Laws of the time, etc.  I am all enthused and loving every second of it and remembering how much I LOVE everything about this time period and topic. Meanwhile, Bran is miserable writing this paper and says to me,"Seriously ...  This is completely useless and and no normal person cares about a bunch of poems that make no sense and all these long, confusing stories ....What kind of weird person would go to college and get a whole degree in this stuff!!?"  Long awkward pause.  "Um.  That would be me, son."  Nice backpedalling, Bran. Yes, he is definitely his father's son.  ðŸ˜„ Hahaaaa!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Poison Ivy

Have you heard about the homemade remedy for poison ivy? ....
you make it from scratch!
I've just been itching to try it!
Hahahahahaaa!  Ok, sorry ... I've obviously been hanging around with nine and ten year olds too long!
Seriously, SOOOO glad the doctor sent out some medicine for me today to get rid of the poison ivy I got working in the yard this past weekend!  It's been driving me crazy and just won't go away!  It just keeps popping up everywhere ... on my face and legs and arms ... arg! I won't be sad to see it go, that's for sure!

Monday, April 16, 2018


(2011) By the way, Brandon had a GREAT 13th birthday, though I think he fully expected to wake up on that day with a full mustache and a drivers license. :)  Sorry buddy ... Give it a few more years!

Best Friend

(2010) Lily Claire's teacher told me today that her little two year old classmates were on the floor at circle time and each child in the class was telling about his/her "best friend."  The other kids were naming children in the class as their best friends, but when they got to Lily Claire and asked her who was her best friend, she said "Mama" ... you KNOW I loved that!!!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2018


(2013) Dylan came home all dirty and sweaty from his batting practice then played outside until dark.  When he came in, Lily took one step toward him and said sternly, "Dylan, you better go get a bath or your friends will think you're a skunk."  No one loves you like your sibilings!!!  Hahahaha!!

Saturday, April 14, 2018


(2014) Bran was recounting to me a recent dinner he had at an Italian restaurant.  He said the waitress came and asked him if he wanted a Caesar salad or mixed greens.  He said he knew he didn't like Caesar so he order the mixed greens, not really knowing what it was.  He said in shock, "Mom, when they brought the salad, the leaves were ALL PURPLE!!!!  And then I asked for ranch dressing and they said the dressing was already on it and I couldn't see ANYTHING.  I felt like I was eating grass, like some cow, but I didn't want to say anything and seem rude."  CRACKED me up!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2018


One of the hallmarks of being a Southern mother .... reminding your kids of every rule of good manners ever known to man while taking them to any event away from home  ... a birthday party, a sleepover, whatever.  The poor kid is trapped in the back seat of the car all the way to their friend's house while you repeat the same age-old list ... "Don't ask for a bunch of food, wait until it's offered ... don't grunt when an adult speaks to you, say Yes M'am and No M'am ... be SURE and say thank you and please ... don't run in their house and wipe your feet on the mat when you go in ... don't act like a buffoon or you'll never be invited again ..."  The kid just nods automatically at every rule you throw out there, like one of Pavlov's dogs hearing a bell for the millionth time.  By the time you pull into the driveway, they can't get out of the car fast enough and the only thing they are thinking is that they sure wish DAD had given them a ride instead of Mom!!!  :)