
Friday, May 25, 2018

Woman Code

Ok, really?!  We went out for lunch after church and a lady stopped to admire some jewelry I was wearing.  As I am about to say "thank you" for her nice compliment, Robert Skeet Taylor shouts out, "It's not real."  Seriously???   Woman code 101 has just been seriously breeched. Why don't you go ahead and tell the whole place that I have fake highlights in my hair from a drugstore box and my glowing complexion comes from a tube and that it's not my real figure because I have on a tummy control shaper under my dress?!  Any man in his right mind should know you DO NOT spill the time honored "woman" secrets!  Honestly.  Men are from another planet.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


(2010) When Lily got out of the bath and put on her pink Disney princess nighgrown this evening, she informed me, "I a princess too, Mama"  Gosh ... wonder where she got that idea??!!  :)

Used Up

(2013) Life with two brothers means that everything gets eaten or used up before Lily Claire can get to it, most of the time!  Whenever we buy chocolate milk or doughnuts or ANYTHING, it is usually all gone by the next day when Lily is looking for it, because the boys have gotten to it first.  It makes her really mad!  Anyway, she went into the pantry this week and the light bulb had burned out.  She came out with her hands on her hips, scowling, and said, "Great!  Now the brothers have used up all the electricity, too!"

Monday, May 21, 2018


(2011) Another Dylan moment ... I was laying in his bed with him before he fell asleep and he asked, "Mom, when you grow up do you have to have a job?"  Of course, I said, "Yes, if you want to have a house and food!"  Dylan thought a moment then said, "Yea, and if you don't have a job you'd be drunk all the time and have a fat stomach."  WHERE does he get this stuff?!  He cracks me up!


So the termite exterminators come at the crack of dawn this morning (the yearly check, we don't actually have termites) ... I thought they would just spray some stuff and leave us our letter.  Of course not!  The man gives me a long speech about the option to have them drill into the basement floor and into all the outside bricks and the front porch with their jack hammer and how "it might look bad at first but it'll settle down after a while."  Oh yeah and also the holes could cause some "flooding problems. Do I want him to do that?"  Um ... NO!!!  What on earth? Just squirt some spray, mister!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Grumpy Princess

(2011) One of my favorite memories!! Lily Claire had to dress up as a fairy tale character for preschool today, which sounded super fun last night, but this morning, Lily wasn't quite as thrilled.  Here is a 7 AM picture of the grumpiest princess you'll ever see!

Touch & Die

This is what you must resort to when you live with boys who eat and drink everything in the house ...even the brand new flavor Gatorade I bought for MYSELF that is ALL gone but this ONE last bottle!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Wow ... Perfect "almost summer" evening in Georgia. Taking a walk alone ... 63 degrees, breeze blowing, the sun almost ready to dip down for the night...  honeysuckle in the air and Rascal Flatts humming in my ear ... pure heaven for this Southern girl.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Dylan informed me today that our puppy, Buddy, likes him the best. 
“Why do you think I so?” I asked him. 
“Because he follows me everywhere,” Dylan replied. 

I didn’t have the heart to tell him it is because he’s the only one who always has food in his hand!! 😂😂😂

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Raisin Bran

How many nights in a row is it possible to have Raisin Bran for supper?  I'll be sure and let you know.  Such is my life during baseball season!!


(2012)  So I delievered some news to Lily Claire last night that was followed by ten minutes of uproarious squealing, jumping, twirling, and clapping with delight.  Did I tell her we had won the lottery?!  No.  Did I tell her we were going to Disney World?!  No.  Did I tell her she could wear pink lipstick to her ballet recital tonight?  Yes!  It was a major lipstick celebration at our house.


I signed up for this site called "Bandsintown" that tracks when music groups that you like are going to be in town doing concerts.  It automatically gets information from your Itunes playlists and puts those artists in a tracking system for you.  It then gave me some suggestions for some other groups I might want to see in concert based on my current favorites.  I had to crack up when it suggested that I be notified when GENE KELLY was coming in concert!  That concert would be quite a marvel since he DIED in 1996!!  I DEFINITELY want to know about THAT concert so I can be the first to get tickets!

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Lily Claire comes downstairs after her bath this evening and Skeet says in all seriousness, "Hey Lil, you forgot your pajamas on the bottom."
Lil and me:  "It's called a nightgown, Daddy."
Skeet, "Oh."
Yes, Lily and I live as foreign creatures in a Man Cave.


Weird story for the day ... I went into McDonalds to get the kids a biscuit for breakfast before church, and while I was waiting a lady walked up to me and said, "My husband wants you to know that you have the most beautiful toes he's ever seen."  Ummmmm  ... thanks?  Awkward on so many levels!!!! Hahaaaaaa!!!

Mother’s Day

(2015) One of my favorite Mother's Day gifts ... a poem from Lily that she wrote for me:
My mom is as nice as a baby deer.
My mom is as smart as a scientist.
My mom is as fun as stuffed animals.
My mom is as fun as playing outside.
My mom is as funny as somebody pulling a pig's tail.
My mom is as amazing as going to look at the earth.
My mom is as cheerful as a cheerleader.

I also love the very cute flower earrings she put on the portrait she made of me!  I love you, Lily Claire!