
Thursday, January 24, 2019


(2016) Lily just informed me that she knows what God looks like. Apparently, He's "big and sunny."

Monday, January 21, 2019


I think I just broke a world record by eating about eight pounds of peanut butter on one teeny celery stick.  Pretty sure I could have had a career as a structural engineer after getting all that peanut butter to stack up that high without falling off!!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Everything Old

(2014) Oh how I love when "everything old is new again."  Lily found up her closet the whole basket of children's books on tapes and the old tape player Brandon and I used when he was little.  Remember using these at school with the giant headphones like pilots wear and the cords with the jacks on them that went into the huge tape player?  It was magical!  Lily was completely in awe of the tapes and the tape player and the little sound that signaled to turn the pages.  We listened to "The Little Red Hen" and "Mouse Tales."  She can read, but she LOVED waiting to here the "beep" or "chime" to turn the pages!  She begged to hear more of them tomorrow night at bedtime.  Yep .. we have Kindles, Ipads, Iphones, you name it ... but the old books-on-tape stories trumped them all.  Love it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Girl Cake

(204) Lily Claire came home all excited today because she had just learned that Monday is MLK Jr.'s birthday!  She asked me if we were going to his party and then said, "But, Mamma, I hope he is going to have a GIRL cake, because I do NOT like boy cakes!"


Lily was painting with her little watercolors and got some paint on her hands.  She came out to the family room and proceeded to wipe her hands on one of our nice throw pillows on the couch.  I said, "Lily, don't wipe your hands on our pillow!"  She answered, "It's ok, Mom, I'm pretending it's a napkin."  Sigh.

Pop Tart

(2012) Life With Boys ... again:  I walked in my bedroom and found Dylan eating a bunch of PopTarts on my bed.  There were crumbs all over Skeet's side of the bed!  I said, "Dylan don't eat in our bed! No one wants to sleep all over crumbs at night!"  Of course I hoped Dylan would quickly jump up and brush off the crumbs and say, "OK, Mom."  Instead, he took another crumbly bite and said, "It's ok, Mom, Dad can just wear a shirt to bed."  There's 8 year old logic for you!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Wrong Era

Wow, I was born in the wrong era!  I'm watching an old movie from the 30s and the wife is hiring a maid to cook, take care of the children, and clean her house for her while her husband is at work each day.  The wife doesn't have a job AND has a live-in maid!  I like that kind of thinking!!!  :)

Saturday, January 12, 2019


(2014) This is what happens when you have two big brothers!  A room full of princesses and a wrestling mask!

Little Visits

(2013) Lily, Dylan, and I have been reading "Little Visits with God" each evening, and tonight when it was time to read, Lily screamed downstairs to Dyl, "COME ON DYL ... it's time to read our REBOTIONS!" (aka ... devotions)


(2015) All day I've been saying that my nose is so snuffy that I can't breathe.  Tonight, Lily came to me very worried and said, "Mamma, I'm scared for you to go to sleep because you might "snuff"acate."  Cracked me up, but I love her concern for me!


Just made the boys some chocolate chip muffins, which inspired Lily to entertain us with "remixesof some old favorites.  Currently she is singing, "Do you know the muffin man ... his fleece was white as snow."  Hee!  Hee!

Sold Out

I stopped at Walgreens tonight to get Bran and Dyl's ADHD meds, and the pharmacist said, "You'll have to come back later this week because we are totally out due to the holidays." ?? I wasn't aware that Concerta was such a hot holiday gift item this year!  Hahaaaa!


I bought shrimp at the grocery store to make for dinner one night this week.  When we got the bags in the car beside Lily, she sniffed and said, "Yuck!  It smells like flamingos in here!"  Pretty accurate, actually!  hahahaha!

Thursday, January 3, 2019


(2010) Today's episode of LIFE WITH BOYS:  As I am cleaning up the boys' messy bathroom this evening for the hundredth time, I find a TOOTH just lying on the counter.  In the midst of being creeped out by that, Dylan barges in and says, "MOM!  Look at my spit beard!!!"  BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2018


Life with a 15 year old son .... Skeet and I leaping out of bed at 1 AM to the smoke alarm screaming and the smell of smoke. Run downstairs to see Dylan standing guiltily over a smoking pan of burned scrambled eggs. Without blinking an eye he says, “Buddy did it.” Nice try!! I told him that the next time he needs a middle of the night snack, it should be a PBJ. 😮😂