
Saturday, June 29, 2019


One of life's simple pleasures. ... Calling my dad late each evening just to chat, talk about the weather or what we had for supper, check in on Mom, and laugh about a bunch of goofy stuff!  One of the best parts of my day. ❤️


We were at Chili’s tonight and the young waitress looked at Skeet and said, “Here’s your ribs, sir.” Then she looked at Lily and said, “And here’s your chicken pasta.” Then she put my plate in front of me and sweetly said, “And here’s fajitas for grandma.”  What?! Seriously? #thisreallyhappened #NOtip

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Abba and Denise

(2013) Lily asked me tonight if we could watch the Beginner's Bible video about "Abba and Denise."  Yes, that would be Adam and Eve.


(2014) A little theology with Lily on the ride home today ... her questions ...
Does God ever spill anything?
If God gets thirsty and has to go get a drink, is He still watching you?
Are there roller skates in heaven?
Does Jesus eat steak?

Hmmmm ... good questions!  I think my answers were no, yes, yes, and yes.  I mean, is it really heaven without steak and roller skaters??  I think not!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


I am cracking up at the brother-sister barter system going on in the Taylor house! Dylan just offered Lily $3 to make him 4 grilled cheese sandwiches. Lily raised it to $4 and a deal was struck! 😂😂😂 (The only thing Lily failed to tell Dylan was that Buddy accidentally licked all his sandwiches before she delivered them… She was afraid he wouldn’t pay the full price if he knew!) 😂😂😂

Monday, June 24, 2019


Watching "Say Yes to the Dress" and when they were interviewing a "groom to be" about how he met is future bride, he said that they were perfect for each other because "they were both Scorpios and their tails were so easily intertwining."  Um ... Okay.


Sweet conversation with Lily in the car the other night ... she was a little worried about the thunderstorm warning that kept coming up on the radio.  After a while she said to me, "You know what's a good thing about being a Christian? When you are scared you can say a prayer to God and He will help you not be scared and always be with you."  Exactly right, sweet girl.
"When I am afraid, I will trust in You." Psalm 56:3

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Had to keep myself from cracking up today at the Sprint store!  The young girl helping me fix a problem with my phone kept singing to the music that was playing on the radio in the store ... which would have been fine, except she was seriously singing three octaves higher than the melody AND on a completely different note!!!!

Green Stamps

Oh my goodness!  Watching an old film clip on TCM and this lady is buying a new toaster with her books of green stamps!  I totally remember my grandma collecting those!  Does anyone else remember that?


Lily was choosing an outfit for her Bitmoji and chose one that was tight jeans with a crop top. She showed it to me, then said,”No, I better change that. Grammie wouldn’t approve.”  ðŸ˜‚😂😂

Saturday, June 22, 2019


(2012) Dylan accidentally knocked into Lily this morning and Lily bumped into the kitchen table.  With a mad look on her face, she turned to Dylan and said, "Dylan! Now I have a headache in my back!"


Family, take note. I had a dental cleaning today and the hygienist said, and I quote, "You have a teeny, tiny mouth."  Quite the opposite of what I've been hearing for all these years! 😂😂😂

Friday, June 21, 2019


(2012) After Bran's baseball game tonight, he told me he thought that the other team was a Varsity team.  I asked, "Why do you think so?"  and he said, "Well, because two of the players had full grown beards!"  Yup, we've never played against bearded kids before!  Cracked me up!!!!


(2013) Lily Claire asked me tonight if I remembered the time when she was three and we all rode on a moose in the hay on Christmas.  ..... um ...  no memory of THAT whatsoever!!!!  ?????


I was trimming some big tree branches today and started contemplating all the strenuous jobs I've completed in the yard this summer BY MYSELF in the blazing heat... chopping down several small trees, pruning all the giant bushes in our backyard (at least 50 or more), cutting back 15 or more prickly overgrown ugly bushes in our side yard by hand, using a chain saw to cut back 35 foot crepe myrtles then chop them up, hauling dead trees away, planting and transplanting dozens of bushes, tackling the poison ivy in our woods, cranking the gas blower BY MYSELF (after only about 300 yanks on that stupid pull cord ...who's dumb idea was that?) ... the impressive list just goes on and on.  I realized that indeed, I COULD have survived back in the day as a pioneer.  ... a grouchy, irritable, bitter pioneer, but a pioneer no less.