
Sunday, October 9, 2022


 (2013) Lily loves to make crafts, but tonight she came to me looking completely dejected with some sort of foam ball drenched in Elmer's glue and moaned dramatically, "OH NOOOO!!! Mom .. I am a GLUE GLOBBER." It is apparently a TERRIBLE crime. I just can't believe my sweet baby girl has turned to a life of glue globbing villainy at such a young age.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Waffle House

 (2018) So I’m going to make a confession. Waffle House grosses me out, and I hate to go there.  My husband knows this, so he was in shock today when I texted him that I took the kids to Waffle House for breakfast because the boys LOVE it! One of those sacrificial mom moments, I guess. 😂 Anyway everything went fine, it was SORT OF clean, we ate our food (though they only have cold syrup and serve hashbrowns with everything, even a hamburger) and I was starting to think, “Ok, this wasn’t so bad...”.  Just as I was entertaining this positive thought, the waiter next to me dumped an entire gigantic bucket of bleach water on the floor right next to where I was eating. Classy. Couldn’t quite swallow down anymore waffle with the bleach fumes floating over the greasy floor by my feet.  Check, please.  ðŸ˜‚😂

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 (2012) I signed Bran up a few years back for text messages from a Youth Group at one of our local churches.  They text Bible verses, etc.  Anyway, his phone went off right in the middle of class today and the teacher looked mad.  Bran said, "Sorry, church is texting me" and the teacher said, "Oh ... ok then, go ahead and answer."  That cracked me up!!!!  Guess when God texts, by george, you ANSWER!


 (2016) You know you've been raised by a Southern mama when .... your husband rehires the cleaning service to help you around the house and you are frantically cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen so they won't be dirty when the cleaning lady shows up!!! 😂😂😂 As we say around here, "Your crazy is showing .. better tuck it back in!!!"

Thursday, September 29, 2022


 (2013) Ladies ... ladies ... PLEASE restrain yourselves ... not everyone can have such beautiful Dollar Store jewels like us.  Maybe one day YOUR ship will come in and you, too, can have such finery ...

Thursday, September 22, 2022


 (2016)  So the lady doing my nails at the Nail Shop says to me, "You have beautiful skin! Don't need makeup!" While I'm still basking in the glow of this generous compliment, she adds, "I bet you very pretty when you were young."  Ummmm ... thanks????  I am desperately hoping something was lost in the translation!! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 (2014) Lily got to choose an item from the dollar store for filling her "teeth brushing" chart for two weeks, so she chose this GORGEOUS fake long hair!  She said, "EVERYONE, except God, will think it's REAL!" 😃

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


 (2020) A glimpse into the glamorous life at the Taylor home. I was searching all day for a missing sock from the laundry ... And found it when Buddy threw it up on my bed at 2 AM. 😑😑😑#livingthedream  #mydogisagoat 😂😂😂

Monday, September 19, 2022


 (2012) Skeet, Bran, Dylan, Lily and I were in the car this evening heading to a restaurant.  Here is the conversation between Lily and Dylan ...

Dylan: (making all sorts of weird faces and noises)

Lilyl:  Dylan STOP!!!

Dylan: (continues making all sorts of werid faces and noises)

Lilyl:  Dylan, STOP IT!  You are being annoying!

Dylan: (still making all sorts of weird faces and noises)


Long pause ...

Dylan: Grammie doesn't. (Then Dylan continues with weird faces and noises.)

Cracked me up because it's SO true!


 (2016) Lily just informed me that she would NEVER kiss anyone NOT in our family because if you go on a date, it's a complete stranger and he could have a LOT of "bacteria."  A true romantic in the making ... 😂😂😂😂

Sunday, September 18, 2022


(2016)  I hope my family appreciates the blood, sweat, and tears I put into slaving over a hot stove for their supper tonight!  They wanted soup and sandwiches, so I opened SEVERAL pop-top cans of tomato soup BY MYSELF, then lovingly wrapped each grilled cheese sandwich in Sonic takeout foil. I am EXHAUSTED. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it ...😂😂😂😂). #bestmomever.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Sleeping Beauty

 (2011) Dylan is laughing his head off because Lily Claire is playing with her princess dolls and keeps calling Sleeping Beauty "Sleeping Booty."  Oh dear!


 (2018) Lily just proudly showed me some huge blob of slime she made and then I realized she was carrying it around on top of her children's Bible!! What?!!

Me: "SLIME on your Bible, Lil? Really?!

Lily: GASP!!! Oops!!!! 

Me: I'm calling Jesus right now to tell on you. 

Lily: (running to get it off) Nooooooooo!!! I'm sorry, Jesus!!!!!


Thursday, September 15, 2022


 (2020) When you’re itching and  think you have hives from all the stress you’ve been under and then you realize it was just a bunch of crumbled Pringles that fell down your blouse at lunch… #teacherlife2020

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 (2011) Life with a 13 year old son:  On my way home this evening, I called Bran to remind him to get his homework and chores done.  Typically, Bran never "remembers" to do any of his chores without lots of "reminders." So I say, "Bran, don't forget to take down the trashcans from the curb before football practice."  To which he replies, totally seriously, "I already did it, Mom, because you know ... I'm just cool like that."  Uh huh ... we'll see how long this wave of "coolness" lasts!  :)