
Sunday, September 30, 2018


(2017) There is one very happy 18 year old college student in Franklin Springs, GA tonight.  I got a call around 9 PM from Bran ..."Mom, we just finished baseball practice and I am starving, but the school cafeteria is closed, no one delivers here, and I have no money."  About 10 minutes later after making a phone call, I sent him a text ... "Go to the Pizza Hut at Franklin Springs Circle.  There is a large pizza and a 2 liter drink waiting for you in your name. It's paid for. Love you, Mom". Took him a half second to text back, "ON MY WAY!!!"  He may be 18, but it still makes this mom's heart happy to take care of her boy.  I don't get that chance too often anymore! ❤️


Was stopped at the grocery store tonight by a GROWN MAN WITH TWO CHILDREN who said, "Mrs. Taylor!  Do you remember me?  You were my 5th grade teacher!"  AAAHHHHH!!!  I obviously was five years old when I was his teacher!!!!

No No

(2014) I am laughing sooo hard!  There is a commercial on for that hair removal product called the  "No No" and Lily said in all seriousness, "Daddy needs that." She can never understand why the guys have hair on their chests and legs and refers to it as their "fur."  Guess the "No No" would take care of their unfortunate "fur" problems!!! I cannot stop laughing!!

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Of course. I’m being eaten alive by mosquitoes sitting at quite possibly the worst field in Gwinnett County and the two men next to me are apparently professional exterminators and keep talking about how they can smell skunks all around us in the woods. Living the dream out here ...

Friday, September 28, 2018


(2014) Things you hear yourself saying to a 7th grader supposedly doing his homework at the computer .... "Since when can you research biomes on Itunes?"


(2013) Lily is loving Wizard of Oz!  So far, her favorite is Glenda the Good Witch (the big sparkly dress and wand gave her a big advantage), but she said she does NOT like the "chipmunks" (aka,  the Munchkins). Cracked us up!!!


(2014) Lily and I were snuggling in the bed together and I said, "Doesn't your bed feel the best when it has these soft, clean sheets on it?"  She put her little arms around my neck and said, "My bed feels the best when you're in it, Mama."  Nothing better than being loved by a little girl.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Cracked up at the bookstore today ... there was seriously a book on the shelf called "THUGS ...and the women who love them."  Hope I won't need to buy that book any time soon!  I think I'll stick with Pride & Prejudice.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


(2011) Dylan was in the room while I was watching "Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta" and this bride's grandma kept saying no very emphatically to every dress the girl put on. Dylan got mad and said, "Grandmas aren't supposed to act like that. They are supposed to say "yes" ... to EVERYTHING!"

Saturday, September 22, 2018


When I was paying to get in, the lady at the gate at Lily’s game asked me if I was here to watch my grand babies play. Ummm ... super. 😂👵🏻☹️

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Nothing like having your sweet 80 year old Dad show up at your front door just to give you a hug and be with you after hearing you've had a really rough day.  Enjoying having him sitting in the recliner chair, watching football and just chatting and laughing. I have the best family in the world.


Stopped to get my toes done after school today and sat next to the sweetest older lady.  She laughed at the very bright pink polish going on my toes and told me she only dared wear neutral colors on her nails.    She kept looking and looking at my polish and finally I said, "Go ahead!! Try the hot pink!  You only live once!"  And she did!!!!  We both walked out of there with the brightest pink toes you've ever seen and that sweet, little lady was grinning ear to ear!  Love it!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2018


(2013) Social graces aren't always the strong suit of my gifted children.  Case in point, today one of my boys was telling us all about beluga whales and in his attempt to describe them to the class and me, he said, "And they are a little smaller than Mrs. Taylor."  What?!  Anything with "WHALE" in its title shouldn't be SMALLER than me!  Thanks, guys.


(2014) Life with 11 year old boys ...We are trying to fill out Dylan's book response form for school which is entailing searching for symbolism and poetic language in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Wish us luck!!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! said every baseball mom ever.