
Thursday, April 26, 2018


My third graders are apparently getting a bit mixed up with our fancy terminology from the year! We talk a LOT about the word INTEGRITY, and in the hall before lunch today, I was giving a little reminder...
Me:  Ok guys, remember to make good choices in the cafeteria today even when the monitor is not looking at you.
Kids: (nodding, agreeing enthusiastically) We will, Mrs. Taylor!
Me: What do we call it when we do the right thing even when no one is watching?
Of course, I’m expecting the answer “integrity,” which we say all the time. So, I call on a little guy frantically waving his hand, looking really confident.
Me: Yes, Nate?
Nate: I know, Mrs. Taylor!! It’s having PROTAGONIST!!
We all stare in silence for a moment looking confused. 😂
Me: Ummm, not quite, dude, it’s INTEGRITY, but pretty impressive!
Nate and I both cracked up! Guess all our big words from the year have gotten a little jumbled up in our third grade brains with summer so close! Integrity... protagonist... yeah, close enough. 😂😂

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