
Monday, September 23, 2019


Feeling a bit sentimental and philosophical tonight as I have watched my  kids play with a whole basket of dress up clothes and costumes and laughing themselves silly, coloring pictures of pumpkins with the beloved 64 box of crayons, being outside throwing balls, riding bikes, playing tag, squealing, cheering when it's Macaroni and Cheese for supper ... I know we are told all the time that the kids of today are more "sophisticated" and that we need to prepare them for a whole different world from what we know .. but actually, I think children are the same as they've ever been in all the truly important ways. Yes, the world will be different for them in many ways, but the REAL things in life ... love and family and faith and kindness ... the truly important things of the heart, will always be the same. As for tonight, I'm smiling as I watch my own children tossing away the imposed cares of the grown up world for as long as they can and simply enjoying the carefree days of childhood.

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