
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

George Washington

(2016) Today’s adventures in third grade… My readers have been learning about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington because of Presidents’ Day a few weeks ago. Today my small reading group was doing a compare and contrast activity about these two famous men. The kids were shocked and saddened when I told them how Abraham Lincoln died. One of them then asked how George Washington died.

Me: I’m not sure how he died. I know he only lived a few years after his second term ended. I think he got some sort of infection.

One of my 3rd grade boys: He probably died because he was so tall! (We had just read that George Washington was 6 foot 2). 

Me: How could he die from being tall?

3rd grade boy (Dead serious and highly concerned): He probably couldn’t bend that far down to clean his feet and got a bad toenail fungus. Those can be deadly.

(Rest of 3rd graders nodding sadly at this obviously plausible possibility.)


You just can’t make this stuff up!


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