
Friday, March 23, 2018


(2016) Just when I think I am doing SO well keeping up with all three of my children and their lives, this happens ...
I call the orthodontist today to make Bran's next four or five appointments.  He takes himself each time and we just pay the bill every month.  I am chatting with the ortho lady and after we make the appointments I ask, "So when will Brandon be getting his bottom braces put on?"
"I'm not sure," she replies, "Hold a moment and I will check for you."
She gets back on the phone after a moment and says, "M'am ... it says here that he actually got them put on already ......... last July."
Wow.  Mother of the Year right here, folks.  Really on top of things!  Apparently I don't see my 16 year old's bottom teeth as often as I thought. I seriously have NO recall of that ever happening!!!  Good grief. :)


Pretty sure it’s time to schedule an appointment with my hairdresser after a student handed this to me today and said she picked it especially for me because the frosting matches my hair! Wow ... really natural look I apparently have going. 😂😂😂

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hey Mom, I Need Some Food”

I got a text today from Brandon that made me laugh harder than I’ve laughed in a long time! So, the other night, very late, he calls me and says, “Mom, I’m hungry after my games. Can you send me some Ramen Noodles and a microwave bowl?” (no ovens in dorms). OF COURSE, what I HEARD was, “Mom, I’m dying of starvation and fading away into nothingingness. I am miserable and alone far, far away. Help me!!!!!” I JUMP onto the computer in the middle of the night and immediately order him four cases of Ramen Noodles, the bowl, AND macaroni and cheese cups, cookies, Sunny Delight, Goldfish, Little Debbie Easter cakes, and a 24 jumbo variety pack of Gatorade, all to be shipped to his dorm ASAP! In my defense, what else could I do after getting what I believed to be a DESPERATE SOS call from my baby who is living far away at college saying he’s HUNGRY (a Southern mother’s WORST NIGHTMARE)! I may have panicked just a little. At any rate, I get this text today from him today with the caption “Hey mom, I need food” and a video of what got delivered to the post office up the street from his dorm today which is now in his tiny car to be hauled back to his tiny room. I have never laughed so hard in my LIFE! Oops. Well, at least I can sleep easy tonight knowing my son is definitely NOT going to be hungry tonight … or for the next six months, apparently!! 😂😂😂

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


(2014) Lily Claire asked me, "Does the Easter Bunny come at night while we're sleeping and hide eggs where no on can find them?"
"Yes!" I answered, thinking she'd be delighted.
Frowning, she replied, "That's RUDE!"


I am laughing soooooo hard!  Whopper perfume??????????  Dylan would fall instantly in LOVE with any girl who smelled like a Whopper! Haaaa!!!  This is a new product from Burger King Japan!  SO WEIRD!!!!!

Downward Spiral

It's a pretty sure sign that the world is in a serious downward spiral when the news headline of the day is "The Easter Bunny brawls with shoppers at a NJ mall."  Seriously, what is happening to society?!! Or should I say "Hop-pening ..." Hahaaa!!'


Puppy nightmare 101 currently happening at the Taylor house ... I didn’t realize Buddy had an accident in the kitchen (💩) and I turned on the Roomba while straightening up downstairs. Unbeknownst to me, the Roomba ran over it and dragged it ALL OVER the kitchen floors and rugs! I have a weak stomach, so cleaning it all up has traumatized me!!  I’m now totally grossed out AND pooped! (pun definitely intended!) 😂😂😂 Thanks, Buddy.  🐶

Monday, March 19, 2018


Wow ... some poor McDonalds employee was marching around outside today waving and wearing a huge box costume that said "McWrap." On second thought ... he probably makes more per hour than I do!!! More power to you, Mr. McWrap!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Crumbly Hair

(2012) Lily Claire drew a picture of me tonight ... in the picture, Brandon is on my left and she and Dylan are on my right (just in case you couldn't recognize us for some reason!).  While she was drawing it, she asked  if it was ok if she made me have "purple crumble-y hair" in the picture. Sure! Why not?!

Flaming Squirrel Repellent Sauce

Today's free springtime advice .... never coat all your birdseed with "Coles Flaming Squirrell Repellant Sauce" and then hang your feeder from a very high branch.  Though it sounds unlikely, a big piece of flaming seed WILL fall out of the feeder right into your eye.  Unfortunately I am speaking from painful experience.


(2014) I asked Lily Claire if we should name the bright redheaded woodpecker that we've seen at our birdfeeder several times this week.  I am proud to announce that we now have "FLUFFY, the woodpecker!"

Giraffe Censoring

(2017) Lily and I have been mesmerized watching and waiting for April the giraffe to have her baby!  Lily LOVES everything to do with animals and says she wants to be a zoologist when she grows up! I had to crack up, though, that the live feed went down for a while because some animal activists, who were mad about April being in a zoo, reported the site to Youtube as having 'explicit sexual activity' and 'nudity.'  First of all, you see animals have babies every day on PBS documentaries!  And, I had no idea until today that a giraffe could be nude!  Learn something new (or should I say "nude") every day!  Hahahahaaaaaa! On a side note, we can't believe that the baby will weigh 150 lbs. and be 6 feet tall at birth!!! KUDOS, April ... I'm in awe!

I Wasn’t Born Married ...

So, friends ... the story I'm about to relay is not an episode of Punk'd.  It actually happened to me this weekend. What is the setting of said story, you may ask? Yes, the DMV (DDS, whatever).  Genre: the stuff nightmares are made of. I arrived at the DMV around noon on Friday since we had a day off. I was given the number B392.  The number they called as I sat down?  331. At 1:30 they call B392.  I rush to the window with all my paperwork ... my birth certificate, my W2, my bank statement, my pay stub, my old license. The gentleman asks, "Where's your marriage license?"
"I did not bring my marriage license since I brought all the other options listed on your site."
The gentleman, "Ma'am, you've had a name change."
"No, I haven't had a name change in 26 years.  My old license, my W2, my pay stub, and my bank statement all reflect my name from the last 26 years ... Klaas-Taylor."
The gentleman, "Sorry.  Your birth certificate doesn't say Taylor."
SUPER long pause from me, trying to process this logic.
Me thinking, "Is this some sort of weird joke? Why would my birth certificate have my married name on it? Yes, I was a child bride, but I wasn't born married! My last license from the DMV HAS my married name on it and my photo!"
The gentleman, "Sorry ... but since your birth certificate only says Klaas and not Taylor, you will have to come back with your marriage license in order to renew so we know it's you."
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!  So, yes, I had to drive home, make a copy of my marriage license and return in order to renew since my "recent" name change of 26 years ago wasn't on my birth certificate. Would Skeet have had to bring our marriage license to renew? NO! I left the DMV at 4:00 with a renewed license, and apparently, a newly changed name. Exactly how I dreamed of spending four hours of my special day off from school!
Only the government.
Georgia Department Of Driver Services

The DMV ... and other nightmares

I have to share a hilarious story my Dad told me about the DMV from years ago (proving that some things never change!)  He took a friend of ours from church to renew his license.  They walked in and not a SOUL was in the place (how lucky!)  The walked up to the counter and said they needed to renew.  Now, mind you, NO ONE was there but them.  The lady said, "I'm sorry, You have to take a number."  Laughing, they went over and pulled a number, number 12, and then returned to the lady.  The lady then said, "I'm sorry.  You'll have to be seated until your number is called."  THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE THERE!  As soon as they sat down in the waiting area, the lady caled out, "Number 12." They took their number to her at that point and THEN she proceeded to help them renew.  I was cracking up envisioning this scene ... it's like something from the Carol Burnett show!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Called Out

I got called out by my daughter in the car the other day on the ride home from school. There was tons of traffic and it was taking us forever to get home! This one lady at a light in front of us was looking down at her phone and not paying attention that she was blocking the entire turn lane. I was getting super annoyed and  yelled out (inside our car, of course, where the lady couldn’t hear me), “MOVE IT, DORK!”   From the backseat Lily gasped. “Mom!” she said,  “you yelled that while we are listening to the FISH!”  (Christian radio station). “Oops,” I said, “What I MEANT to say was ‘God bless you, sister’...”  Lily stared at me a moment with a very skeptical look on her face, then we both started cracking up! Guess I’ll have to be a bit nicer driver with my accountability group sitting in the back seat!! 😂😂😂