
Sunday, May 13, 2018


(2012)  So I delievered some news to Lily Claire last night that was followed by ten minutes of uproarious squealing, jumping, twirling, and clapping with delight.  Did I tell her we had won the lottery?!  No.  Did I tell her we were going to Disney World?!  No.  Did I tell her she could wear pink lipstick to her ballet recital tonight?  Yes!  It was a major lipstick celebration at our house.


I signed up for this site called "Bandsintown" that tracks when music groups that you like are going to be in town doing concerts.  It automatically gets information from your Itunes playlists and puts those artists in a tracking system for you.  It then gave me some suggestions for some other groups I might want to see in concert based on my current favorites.  I had to crack up when it suggested that I be notified when GENE KELLY was coming in concert!  That concert would be quite a marvel since he DIED in 1996!!  I DEFINITELY want to know about THAT concert so I can be the first to get tickets!

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Lily Claire comes downstairs after her bath this evening and Skeet says in all seriousness, "Hey Lil, you forgot your pajamas on the bottom."
Lil and me:  "It's called a nightgown, Daddy."
Skeet, "Oh."
Yes, Lily and I live as foreign creatures in a Man Cave.


Weird story for the day ... I went into McDonalds to get the kids a biscuit for breakfast before church, and while I was waiting a lady walked up to me and said, "My husband wants you to know that you have the most beautiful toes he's ever seen."  Ummmmm  ... thanks?  Awkward on so many levels!!!! Hahaaaaaa!!!

Mother’s Day

(2015) One of my favorite Mother's Day gifts ... a poem from Lily that she wrote for me:
My mom is as nice as a baby deer.
My mom is as smart as a scientist.
My mom is as fun as stuffed animals.
My mom is as fun as playing outside.
My mom is as funny as somebody pulling a pig's tail.
My mom is as amazing as going to look at the earth.
My mom is as cheerful as a cheerleader.

I also love the very cute flower earrings she put on the portrait she made of me!  I love you, Lily Claire!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Except Mom

One of my favorite memories of the boys is perfect for Mother's Day: one day they were arguing and Dylan kept telling Brandon what to do.  They came stomping up the stairs with Bran shouting, "DYLAN, STOP telling me how to live my life!!  NO ONE can tell you how to live your life!!!"  Then there was a pause and Brandon added, "Except Mom, she tells everyone how to live their life!"  Glad he learned that early!!!  :)

Monday, May 7, 2018


WOW!  This super good-looking man came driving up to my school this evening in a red Jeep ... I'd LOVE to get his name and number! Just might have to find him on Tinder ... hahahahaaaaa!!!! (I actually better NOT find him on Tinder or he's in BIG trouble!) :)


(2014) THANKS A LOT, Brandon Taylor!  He went fishing today after school and when he came home to change to go out to dinner with his pals, he left behind a HUGE half of a dead worm on the kitchen floor!  It must have been on his clothes or something and dropped off.  Lily and I are FREAKING OUT!  It is currently covered with an empty Ramen Noodle box until Bran gets home to pick it up so we don't have to look at it.  I am NOT touching it with a ten foot pole ... it's really grossing me out!  I called Skeet at the ball field to drive home and pick it up, and can you believe he just laughed?!  :)  The JOYS of living with males ...

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Love, Dad

(2016) How do you summarize 14 years of baseball?  You attach a picture of BT heading off to his first T-ball game, you blink, then you attach a picture after his last high school game. 14 years of sweat, dirt, snacks, concession duty, rides to and from, practice, games, cages, shagging flies, conditioning, wins, losses, ties, scrapes, bruises, cleats, gloves, bats, joy and tears. Not one single thing would I change. Our goal was to use baseball to help teach him how to be a team player, to be gracious in victory and defeat, to play by the rules, and to never give up. He ended up teaching me every bit as much and more. What an incredible journey it has been. Thanks for letting me tag along buddy.

Dairy Queen

(2012) You gotta love 3rd grade baseball ... it was super hot at the field, one kid overheated, one kid broke his thumb, the team lost .... but the coaches took them to Dairy Queen after the game so all was right with the world!  Apparently, a chocolate dipped ice cream cone is the best cure for just about anything when you're 8 years old!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


(2012) Lily kept coughing tonight so I told her I needed to give her some cough medicine.  She thought a minute and said, "No Mom, I need some NOT cough medicine."  Good point, actually!!!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Livin the Dream

(2014) Yep .... Middle school is on the horizon!  Dyl asked tonight if he could invite some GIRLS to his birthday party at the skating rink.  Those ole yucky girls aren't seeming so bad anymore! 😉. The more things change, the more they stay the same ... girls, pizza, and and skating rinks STILL add up to livin' the dream for an eleven year old boy!


(2013) Lily Claire had her five year old check up today to get ready for Kindergarten registration on Thursday. When discussing her finger prick tonight, she said to me, "I needed a band-aid for my finger today because the doctor shot it."


Most HORRIBLE event of my day.... I noticed that the outside recycle bin was full of rain water so I gingerly picked it up and dumped out the water right near my foot. Out slid a stiff drowned mouse ... I FREAKED and am still completely creeped out!  I think I may have to take a sick day tomorrow for severe mental distress and trauma!! This definitely ranks up there with the time the squirrel jumped out at me from the outdoor trashcan onto my shoulder ... I am no longer having anything to do with the trash around here!!

Saturday, April 28, 2018


I am cracking up at this post on my wall "Jennifer likes Uno and The Bible."  I hope God knows it's not necessarily in that order! :)