
Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I love that after 28 years of being married to an elementary school teacher, my husband doesn’t even bat an eye at my school crate ... no matter what it looks like for the next day!!


(2018) Laughing out loud! Bran just sent me a picture from his dorm showing me that he had MADE his bed (if you know BT, you know this has NEVER happened before in his lifetime). He then told me he probably deserved a little reward for doing this amazing chore so he could run up to McDonalds for a “late night snack.”  Boy, have I been played! That boy cracks me up!! (And yes, he got McDonalds). πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Bran ... Concert
Dylan ... Gwinnett County Fair
Lily ... Pool
Me... Pjs on the couch watching Mrs. Marple
I win!!! πŸ˜€


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! said every baseball mom ever.


(2013) Social graces aren't always the strong suit of my gifted children.  Case in point, today one of my boys was telling us all about beluga whales and in his attempt to describe them to the class and me, he said, "And they are a little smaller than Mrs. Taylor."  What?!  Anything with "WHALE" in its title shouldn't be SMALLER than me!  Thanks, guys.

Book Report

(2011) Life with 11 year old boys ...We are trying to fill out Dylan's book response form for school which is entailing searching for symbolism and poetic language in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Wish us luck!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sleeping Booty

(2010) Dylan is laughing his head off because Lily Claire is playing with her princess dolls and keeps calling Sleeping Beauty "Sleeping Booty."  Oh dear!


(2018) Lily just proudly showed me some huge blob of slime she made and then I realized she was carrying it around on top of her children's Bible!! What?!!
Me: "SLIME on your Bible, Lil? Really?!
Lily: GASP!!! Oops!!!!
Me: I'm calling Jesus right now to tell on you.
Lily: (running to get it off) Nooooooooo!!! I'm sorry, Jesus!!!!!

Saturday, September 14, 2019


(2015) My second graders were writing today, and I saw some of the kids making capital letter mistakes, which had been a little mini lesson previously.  I said, "Uh oh!  Be careful everybody. I see some folks putting capital letters where they don't belong, and vice versa."  One of my little ones looked up in surprise and gasped,"Mrs. Taylor!  I didn't know you spoke Spanish!"


(2010) It's a special day for the Taylor girls ... Lily and I are watching Disney's Cinderella for the first time together and Lily is captivated!!  Every time Cinderella comes on the screen, she shouts "What her name, Mama?"

Friday, September 13, 2019


(2011) Life with a 13 year old son:  On my way home this evening, I called Bran to remind him to get his homework and chores done.  Typically, Bran never "remembers" to do any of his chores without lots of "reminders." So I say, "Bran, don't forget to take down the trashcans from the curb before football practice."  To which he replies, totally seriously, "I already did it, Mom, because you know ... I'm just cool like that."  Uh huh ... we'll see how long this wave of "coolness" lasts!


(2011) Saturday, I made the mistake of shopping early for Lily's Halloween costume online and she ended up picking out a sweet kitty cat costume.  HOWEVER, now she is asking me every day if I can draw whiskers on her face and put on her costume (which, of course, we don't have yet!)  She just came storming into my room huffing and said, "WHEN is Halloween?  I've been waiting and waiting!"  Oh dear.  October is going to be a loooooooooong month!


If watching Hallmark channel and eating Little Debbies on the couch in my pajamas is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Thursday, September 12, 2019


I just got an offer from a pet website to send me a 128 page book about grooming my dog at home. What on earth?!!! All I do for Buddy is slop some dog shampoo and water on him in the tub then brush him. Buddy must be missing out on the other 127 pages of grooming! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸΎπŸΎ

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


This would be why I don’t take cold or allergy medicine before bedtime. Last night I dreamed that we had a pet lion in our backyard that had wandered in from the highway. I was concerned if the lion would get along with Buddy and the big group of gorillas we already had living in the backyard.  I also wasn’t sure if I was feeding the lion enough dog food every day and kept pouring huge mixing bowls full of it outside. We eventually let the lion into our kitchen to drink water out of a huge basin and let it lay on the floor and wander around the house roaring. Our neighbors then rented a petting zoo for one of their kid’s birthday parties and the owners asked if they could have the lion as part of their petting zoo. I agreed because I was worried the dog food for the lion was too expensive,but in the dream I was crying the whole time the lion was being put into a crate to leave with the petting zoo people. I kept telling the petting zoo people to take care of my lion and to remember that he was a boy lion named Joseph, but they wouldn’t listen to me. I kept trying to pet the lion one last time before the truck left. It was soooo bizarre and distressing! DEFINITELY going to stay away from the meds tonight before bed!!! 🦁🦁🦁