
Sunday, May 22, 2022


(2013) Lily was describing Robert Skeet Taylor at lunch: "a person with black white gray hair, wrinkly forehead, hairy arms, and a scratchy face." WHAT A HUNK!!  I am laughing soooo hard!!! 😂😂😂

Saturday, May 21, 2022


 (2020) Conversations I had with Skeet on the golf course today… He’s such a lucky man to have me by his side!! 😂😂😂 Wonder if he’ll invite me again soon? 

“It’s humid out here”

“Uh oh. I hope you brought a lot of balls.”

“That lake is like a putt putt trap.”

“I’m going to watch from the shade.”

“Aww! Look at that cute dog!”

“I am going to look this tree up on plant app ...”

“I need a drink.”

“Somebody left tees everywhere.”

“They need to empty the trash out here.”

“Why are you using that club?”

“I’m sweating.”

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep...”

“Woah! Look where this ball is. Somebody did terrible.”

“ I wonder who designs the shape of the sand traps.”

“Don’t get poison ivy getting your ball.”

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...”

“Maybe you should’ve brought your glasses.”

“What’s with all the ant hills?”

“Hold on. My tennis shoe hurts.”

“This is a no judgement zone.”

“That dude must be burning up in that long sleeve shirt.”

“Oops. It’s ok. Try again.”

“Look at all the dandelions!”

“Wow. We look super white in these shorts. We need a tan.”

“Are there fish in this lake? I just saw bubbles!”

“Don’t hit that guy over there.”

“They should make golf balls out of stuff that fish can eat for when they go in the lake.”

“Should I stop keeping score?”

Friday, May 20, 2022


 (2014) One of my sweet fourth grade boys said to me today, "Mrs. Taylor, the only better woman in my life other than you is my mother."  Absolutely precious. I don't think there is any higher praise possible than that!

Thursday, May 19, 2022


 (2018) Anyone who knows me well knows I have a BAD OCD problem with vacuuming all the time! I have three Roomba vacuums that run all the time and three upright vacuums that I still use after the Roomba. The kids complain that they can’t hear the TV with the Roomba always running to which I just scream, “Too bad!” 😂😂😂 When I downloaded a vacuuming game app, Debbie Leonard wanted to hold a family crisis intervention. 😂😂😂 I know it’s crazy. I once told Bran when he was about ten that  I took med so I wouldn’t clean and vacuum so much, to which he politely said,”Not to hurt your feelings, Mom, but the med’s not working.” 😂😂😂 Anyway he’s been asleep in his room while the carpet cleaner guy has been here today, who he didn’t know was coming, and I got this text from him that cracked me up! He thought poor old mom had finally lost it while he’d been away at school! 😂😂😂

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


 (2013) Seriously considering burning all the dirty laundry in a bonfire in the backyard rather than doing it all today!  No one would notice a twenty foot burning pile of cloth in my backyard, would they?!!!


 (2011) Lily just asked me if she could have a JEWEL-BALL.  ????  Finally realized she was trying to say GERBIL!  I think the Jewel-Ball is a better option.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 (2011) One of my students accidentally called me "Grandma" today  ... I told them their A in my class was now a C minus!!!!  


 Saw something soooo funny today ....  a church had apparently moved to a new location and all you could see from the road was their former sign.  Unfortunately, the lone sign was right in front of a graveyard and it said, "We have moved.  Call us at our new number."

Gift Card

 I am cracking up that almost everytime I "like" someone's post on FB now, it asks me if I want to give them a gift card!  "Aunt Bernice just found her lost tabby cat in the neighbors garage ... would you like to help Aunt Bernice celebrate with a Starbucks gift card?"



Lily Claire had to dress up as a fairy tale character for preschool today, which sounded super fun last night, but this morning, Lily wasn't quite as thrilled.  Here is a 7 AM picture of the grumpiest princess you'll ever see!

Friday, May 13, 2022

Raisin Bran

 (2011) How many nights in a row is it possible to have Raisin Bran for supper?  I'll be sure and let you know.  Such is my life during baseball season!!


(2013) So I delivered some news to Lily Claire last night that was followed by ten minutes of uproarious squealing, jumping, twirling, and clapping with delight.  Did I tell her we had won the lottery?!  No.  Did I tell her we were going to Disney World?!  No.  Did I tell her she could wear pink lipstick to her ballet recital tonight?  Yes!  It was a major lipstick celebration at our house.  :)


 I signed up for this site called "Bandsintown" that tracks when music groups that you like are going to be in town doing concerts.  It automatically gets information from your Itunes playlists and puts those artists in a tracking system for you.  It then gave me some suggestions for some other groups I might want to see in concert based on my current favorites.  I had to crack up when it suggested that I be notified when GENE KELLY was coming in concert!  That concert would be quite a marvel since he DIED in 1996!!  I DEFINITELY want to know about THAT concert so I can be the first to get tickets!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 (2013) Lily comes downstairs after her bath this evening and Skeet says in all seriousness, "Hey Lil, you forgot your pajamas on the bottom."

Lil and me:  "It's called a nightgown, Daddy."

Skeet, "Oh."

Yes, Lily and I live as foreign creatures in a Man Cave.

Monday, May 9, 2022


 One of my favorite memories of the boys is perfect for Mother's Day: One day when the boys were younger, they were arguing and bickering. Dylan kept telling Brandon what to do.  They came stomping up the stairs with Bran shouting, "DYLAN, STOP telling me how to live my life!!  NO ONE can tell you how to live your life!!!"  Then there was a pause and Brandon added, "Except Mom, she tells everyone how to live their life.” Glad he learned that early!!! Brandon Taylor Dylan Taylor